Far away from the electric lights
Far away from the electric lights
there is a place in the deep mind
where live the corporeal and solid dreams,
a world built with magic bricks.
Caverns with dragons under the hills,
rocky mountains where dwarves dig;
and in treehouses in the high tops
elves sing and dance under the moon.
To arrive at the fantasy land
to dance with faeries until dawn,
walk through the mist of your mind
to taste their magical golden drink
that makes happy but never ill.
In the deepest seas the merfolk lives
in coral houses with purple walls
ridding on dolphins, shaking waves,
their skin is blue and their hair es pale.
While trolls sleep in the deepest caves
they wake up when the sun sleeps
to hunt and drink in the darkest night
in the darkest forest, avoiding the light.
This is the land it´s beyond the veil
that covers the conscious mind.